Boost your sustainability skills by using a fast-paced game where you handle situations that increase your understanding of environmental, social, and governance. These practices will make a big difference for the planet, while contributing to enhancing the organizational performance.

Learn while doing and understand the implications of healthy sustainability practices for the organization and the environment.

Our simulated scenario training immerses players in real-life environmental threats and incidents. Players take on the role of an employee within an organization, tasked with identifying and addressing various environmental situations. The course starts with basic recycling identification and gradually increases in complexity. The focus areas are:

  • Increasing your understanding of your company’s impact on the environment.
  • How to become more sustainable.
  • How to keep being sustainable in the long term.
  • Adoption of ESG regulations.
  • Recognizing risks and opportunities.

With a total of 30 possible incidents to choose from, players will encounter 5 new critical situations with each playthrough.

Our approach emphasizes the importance of enjoying the learning process and engagingly in tackling serious environmental issues. Upon completion, players can compare their scores with others and are encouraged to replay the game and improve their skills.

Beginner, intermediate, advanced

The game has three course modules:

1. Beginner level with a focus on the basics of recycling.

2. Intermediate level with a focus on how to tackle more complex recycling challenges.

3. Advanced level where you train on how to engage the rest of the team in sustainability actions that are beneficial for both the environment and the organization.

Are you ready to become a sustainability champion?

With the Apprendly platform, the only acceptable answer is: "Yes, absolutely!"

Contact us for access

Game length

3 minutes



Main outtakes

This game equips the overall organization with best practices related to sustainability. Everybody within the business area will be familiar with the basic recycling techniques, applicable regulations and ways of increasing environmental awareness.


In progress