
Negotiation Skills

Upgrade your negotiation skills by using a fast-paced and immersive game where you handle situations that require diplomacy, sales techniques, and psychology knowledge, contributing to better organizational performance.

Turn into a master of negotiation 

Learn while interacting with simulation situations that teach you a deep understanding of successful negotiation techniques, to make the organization flourish.

Our simulated scenario training immerses players in real-life circumstances with customers, peers, or collaborators. Players take on the role of an employee within an organization and are tasked with dealing with various situations that require their best negotiation skills. The course starts with basic negotiation and gradually increases in complexity. The focus areas are:

  • How to get the price you want.
  • Negotiate salaries with the unions.
  • Learn systemic preparation skills for the negotiation process.
  • Manage negotiation teams in a focused and dynamic environment.
  • Learn systemic preparation skills for negotiating in many situations.
  • Learn to adjust your strategy toward dynamic scenarios with a global perspective.
  • Analyze and practice negotiation strategies and techniques solo and as a team.
  • Develop a broad understanding of the ethics and agents involved in negotiations.

With a total of 30 possible situations to choose from, players will encounter 5 new critical situations with each playthrough.

Our approach emphasizes the importance of enjoying the learning process of new negotiation skills in an engaging way. Upon completion, players can compare their scores with others and are encouraged to replay the game and improve their skills.

Beginner, intermediate, advanced

The game has three course modules:

1. Beginner level with a focus on the basics of negotiation and conflict of interests.

2. Intermediate level with a focus on how to tackle more complex deals by elevating your negotiation skills acquired in the beginner level.

3. Advanced level where you train on how to efficiently persuade the customer/collaborator to close a deal that is a win-win. 

Are you ready to become a master of negotiation?

With the Apprendly platform, the only acceptable answer is: "Yes, absolutely!"

Contact us for access

Game length

3 minutes



Main outtakes

This game equips the sales and procurement teams with the necessary skills to successfully negotiate and close deals that are a win-win for both the organization and its direct collaborators.


In progress